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Name: Benjamin Lee <E-mail >
Subject: Re: Hi all
Date: 2008/09/28 19:26:59
Reference: msg2/04160

I went to this year's concert.
She changes clothes 3 to 4 times within the first 5 songs.
The songs are of more varieties and esp. during the 2
encore sections.  

As for whether to attend her concerts in the future,
my personal comments are that as Seiko gets older (just
like all of us also getting older), we can't expect her
to jump and run around like 20 years ago.  However, she
is still very energetic in her age and fans are still
as crazy as usual.  In recent concerts, she perform some
oldies from 1980-1985 which have never been performed 
during her recent concerts in the past 10-15 years and
it really make all of us feel good!  We don't know how
long can she sustain in terms of yearly concert.  If you
have time and can afford.....just go and enjoy!

Benjamin Lee

Date:9/25/1998. Doogie 's message 

>Hi there,
>Anyone here from when I used to be a regular?
>Anyway, just saying 'Hi' from Vancouver.
>Can someone tell me what Seiko's concerts are like
>these days? she concentrating more on ballades or
>just keeping to the same format as before?  (Last one
>I saw was back in 2005 at Budokan)