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Name: Doogie
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Subject: Re: 2008 concert DVD
Date: 2008/10/30 15:20:32
Reference: msg2/04167
Well, she's not quite 'Tina Turner' material so I would think she
would stick to ballades now that she's in her late 40's. I envision her
on stage without the slick dancers..just her in an evening gown, a live band
and some elegant stage glitz. And instead of handing out icecream to everyone
at the concert hall, how 'bout some cool blue glowsticks. Throw a few
crazed fans from overseas with their 6 foot country flags and there you have
one hell of a great concert.
Date:10/30/1998. Simon 's message
>Just watched it a couple of nights ago. I like the frequent costume
>change, but I wish Seiko would change the dancers. I prefer the old
>songs, don't really like the songs from the latest album. Seiko
>needs a big change to spice thigs up, she has been using the same
>formula year after year, getting too comfortable with it.