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Name: Seikofan2 <E-mail >
Subject: DVD
Date: 2008/11/02 03:22:03

Noticed that Seiko has been including 20th Party in her recent 
concerts.... how can I say that nicely? 20th Party is a low 
quality pop song, compared to the hundreds and hundreds of 
beautiful pieces Seiko has performed. Seiko, please don't 
touch that song again.... bury it burn it whatever.... just 
don't. I agree with Simon, Seiko is getting too comfortable 
and using the same formula over and over for years and years.  
Look around and see what international artists are doing 
and get some inspiration ( and not just copying) and make 
it a truely amazing show and make people's jaws drop.  I 
don't think the simple format as described by Doogie will 
work.  It will work for a short session like 15 minutes 
but you can't do that for the whole show. Certainly it 
will be a good way to just enjoy Seiko's singing, but 
Japanese audience craves stimulations of their senses, 
that's why while Seiko's music is no longer selling very 
well, her concerts still sold out, because it's not just 
a concert, it's a show. JMHO.