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Name: Yun <E-mail >
Subject: Re: Universal
Date: 2009/06/18 23:46:27
Reference: msg2/04230

Meanwhile, Seiko is releasing a new series of her 80s albums in blu-spec CD format. Looks like we are destined to have 3 sets of her 80s albums - in casette, CD and now blu-spec CD!

Not forgetting all the best of albums!

Diehard fans we are...

Date:6/15/1998. Seikofan2 's message 

>personally I'd rather Seiko release a very good Japanese album, then 
>wasting her time for the US market. Let's face it, US is not ready 
>for an Asian artist, and Seiko's voice condition right now isn't helping. 
>She should rest her voice, channel her effort to make a groundsbreaking 
>album and get back into the game.  She's been absent from the 
>front line for way too long.  Good luck Seiko. Last time she moved to
>Universal she got her one and only single that sold over 1 million
>copies.  Will the Universal and Seiko team work its magic again?